Joselyn H

by Joselyn 
Ants have 4 stages in their life cycle. One stage is called the egg. The queen lays eggs.The workers carry them to another room.The ant city grows from the eggs of the queen.
        Another stage is called the larvae.The eggs grow into larvae.The workers feed the larvae.The larvae is white.
        The third stage is called the pupae.The larvae grows into pupae.The workers keep grooming them.The pupae has eyes and legs.
        The last stage is called the adult stage. of the pupae grow into adults.The color of the adult is brown.The workers help the pupae to get out.
        As you can see, ants have 4 stages in their life cycle.I think the most important stage is the larvae.I will go to the Internet to find more important about the 4 stages.
by Joselyn
There are many different type of shelter.One type of shelter is called a house boat.A house boat floats in the water.It has a lot of rooms.
Another type of shelter is called a stilt house. Stilt houses are made of sticks. The sticks protect the houses from the water.
A third type of shelter is called a straw house. A straw house is  located in hot places. It is made of straw.
As you can see, there are many different types of shelters.The most interesting shelter is called the stilt house. I will find more information about stilt houses.
by Joselyn
There are volcanoes that have erupted. One volcano that erupted  is called Mauna Lao. Mauna Lao is on a big island in Hawaii. It is the largest volcano in the world. It erupted 15 times from 1900 to 2000.
Another volcano that erupted is called Shishaldin. It is on Unimak island, Alaska. It never stops erupting! It sends up smoke and sometimes ash.
A third volcano that erupted is called Kilauea. Kilauea is located in Hawaii. It began to erupt in 1983 and was still active 2000. There are 7 volcanoes.
As you can see, there are volcanoes that have erupted. My favorite volcano is called Mauna Lao. I will go to the computer and find more information.