
by Gretel
There are many different types of shelters in the world. One type is called an igloo.The igloo is made of snow and ice. It is found in cold places.
Another type is a log cabin. Log cabins can be found in cold climates. Log cabins are made of logs.
The third type is called a boat house. The boat house can float on the water. A boat house can have lots of rooms to sleep.
As you can see, there are many different types of shelters in the world. I think that the most interesting is the boat house because it is fun to swim. I want to learn more about shelters around the world.

by Gretal 

Worker ants take care of baby ants. First, worker ants take the eggs into the nurseries. Then, worker ants clean the eggs.   
          Workers take care of the larvae.They clean the larvae by licking them.          
Workers ants also take care of the pupae. Workers ants keep grooming the pupae until they grow into adults.   
As you can see, workers take care of the baby ants. I think it is interesting that they clean the larvae by licking them. I want to  learn more about how workers take care of baby ants.

There are  many interesting  facts  about  volcanoes!  One interesting fact is that the volcanoes grow and grow. The volcanoes grow  when it erupts.
Another interesting fact  is that  volcanoes erupt lava and rock  quickly. When lava and rock flow quickly, lava and rock  make dust.
A third interesting fact is when lava and rock make dust it can  destroyed every thing. It destroyed houses, cars, and  trees.
As you can see, there are many interesting fact about  volcanoes! The most interesting part is that lava and rock  make dust. I want to learn more about  volcanoes and why they erupt.